Melissa Arnot
Melissa Arnot
Melissa Arnot is an accomplished mountain guide who has traveled the world. In June of 2016, Melissa set two world records when she summited Mt. Everest without supplemental oxygen - becoming the first American woman to accomplish such a feat and broke (her own) world record for the most summits up Everest by an American woman (six climbs total). Melissa used tasc Peformance’s siganture MOSOmerino base layers to stay comfy and warm during her monumental climb.

92 summits of Mount Rainier | 6 summits of Mount Everest | 3 summits of Aconcagua, Argentina | 5 summits of Cotopaxi, Ecuador | 1 expedition on Mount McKinley | 2 expeditions on Cayambe, Ecuador
First American Woman to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen | World-record holder for most ascents of Everest by an American woman (6 total)
Melissa is the founder of the Juniper Fund, which provides support and assistance to Nepal families who have lost loved ones to the climbing industry.
Melissa is passionate about climbing and pushing her own limits, but her ultimate joy comes from sharing that journey with others, both while helping them push their limits and get to theirown summit and while sharing the stories from some of the beautiful places in the world.
tasc Performance joins with Melissa in supporting the Juniper Fund, an organization which she co-founded, that provides assistance to individuals, families and communities in underserved countries adversely impacted by their work for the mountain-based adventure industry.
Melissa once again be wore tasc’s MOSOmerino base layers for her Fifty Peaks Challenge, she and fellow climber Maddie Miller, embarked on an adventure to climb 50 peaks of the U.S. in 50 days. On August 7th, Melissa and Maddie finished their challenge and broke the record for the fastest completion of the 50 high points in the United States. 41 Days, 16 Hours and 10 Minutes!
Pictured Below: Melissa and her protege Maddie Miller at Louisiana's highest point on July 2, 2016 during their 50 Peaks Challenge.
Images below are from the Fifty Peaks Challenge
Pictured Below: Melissa and her protege Maddie Miller climbing Granite Peak in Montana with their MERINObamboo.