Polyester Problems
It may appear technical and come with a popular brand name, but today’s traditional performance wear made with polyester also comes with a price: heavy use of chemical application that ultimately leaves skin feeling irritated, causes odor retention, and has recently been linked to environmental damage, due to its plastic microfibers flushing into the ocean after washing.
A Brief History with Polyester
In an effort to improve the performance of activewear made with 100% cotton, big brands started using polyester to create new technology to combat common problems faced by athletes (e.g. moisture retention). Watching this polyester revolution unfold, tasc founders, Al and Todd Andrews (father and son), noticed that while polyester offered some improved performance qualities, its petroleum-based synthetic fibers also seriously compromised on comfort and the ability to work naturally with the body, such as resisting bacteria accumulation.
“We were watching this whole polyester workout gear come out of nowhere and just take over the whole segment of the industry with UnderArmour and Nike,” says Al Andrews, co-founder and CEO of tasc Performance. “I knew about moisture wicking and quick dry, which is great, but I found the bad side effects of it. It smelled awful if you really worked out hard, and it wasn’t comfortable on the body.”
Finding the Natural Alternative
Frustrated with the state of options in the performance industry, the Andrews duo made it their mission to create something better. They looked to nature, instead of chemicals and discovered bamboo. Intrigued with this raw material’s natural performance qualities, they set out to turn it into a wearable textile. After 2 years of research and development, tasc’s proprietary fabrication process, BamCo®, was engineered and the first original fabric (MOSOtech™) was born, offering an unbelievable feel, incredible comfort, and unparalleled performance.
Continuous Innovation
Since then, tasc has developed a collection of unique and groundbreaking original fabrics, all sustainably developed and all sourced from bamboo and other natural materials. tasc is a firm believer in their superior alternative to polyester and feels confident that once you feel the difference, you’ll never want to wear anything else.
1. You’ll Feel Pampered
tasc’s clothing is luxuriously soft. At the microscopic level, bamboo fiber has a round surface. Because of this it is very smooth and sits perfectly to the skin for a luxuriously soft feel.
2. Your Skin Will Thank You
Zero skin itch or irritation. Unlike polyester clothing, tasc’s bamboo clothing doesn’t need heavy chemical applications to perform or combat bacteria, which allows it to eliminate skin irritation (especially those with sensitive skin).
3. It's a Sunscreen Alternative
In addition to zero skin irritation, your skin will also thank you for the protection from harmful rays. Our bamboo-based materials offer complete UPF 50+ protection.
4. You'll Get All the Performance Without Chemicals
In nature, bamboo exhibits a multitude of natural performance qualities that are more powerful than petroleum-based synthetic fibers. In fabrication, these qualities are released allowing our fabrics to maintain the inherent benefits of bamboo without using harmful chemicals like polyester.
5. You’ll Smell Better & Stay Cleaner for Longer
Bamboo is not conducive to bacterial growth. In the wild, it grows without pesticides or fertilizers, and in fabric form it retains this quality allowing our fabrics to stay microbe-free and odor-free longer. In contrast, skin germs feast on chemicals in sweat, making polyester performance wear a trap for pungent odor and bacterial build-up.
6. You'll Stay Dryer
tasc’s apparel offers moisture wicking and superior breathability. Bamboo has extraordinary water absorbency. In fabric form, it retains this remarkable property to take the moisture off of your skin, increase the surface area, and evaporate off of the fibers.
7. Your Clothes Will Last Longer
Bamboo is exceptionally durable, due to the fact that the bamboo fiber has a high abrasion-proof capacity. Studies have also proven bamboo fabric holds its performance properties, even after 50 washes
8. You'll help Your Environment
Bamboo is naturally grown, 100% sustainable, and 100% biodegradable. The forest where tasc’s bamboo is sourced is organically certified, and our manufacturing process utilizes a close looped system that ensures that 99% of our resources are recovered and reused.
In contrast, synthetic fabrics are made from petrochemicals, a non-renewable fossil fuel. Synthetic fibers have also recently been linked to serious ocean pollution. Studies have found that every time polyester-based clothing is washed, plastic microfibers are flushed into the oceans causing harm to marine life.